In celebration or Earth Day, take care of yourself, your family, and your planet with these eco-friendly tips.
Avoid Plastics
Water bottles, straws, and plastic cutlery may contain toxins. They are also harmful to the environment when they are not properly re-used or recycled. Click here for avoidance tips and plastic-substitution options.
Plant a Garden
Save money, and eat healthy by growing your own food. For the best growth, consider companion planting.This strategy involves placing two or more plants next to each other that will benefit each other. Learn more here.
If you’re building a new kitchen or remodeling an old one, embrace green living techniques to make the room more sustainable and energy efficient. Check out these tips.
Natural Spring Cleaning
Consider cleaning with safe and all-natural supplies or products to avoid harsh chemicals. If you are trying to save, make your own organic cooking spray.
Do It Yourself!
There are many home products that can be made from simple kitchen ingredients. If you are looking to go all-natural, try making your own deodorant or facial masks.
Green Groceries
Buy organic, non-GMO, or fair trade for products that are healthy and made sustainably. Create budgeting strategies, or learn more about product labeling before your next trip to the store.
Go Outside!
Spring has finally sprung, and it’s time to explore the outdoors. Have a picnic, or play sports with friends or family. Make sure to stay hydrated, and avoid insect bites or ticks.